What is Laser Hair Removal? Everything You Need to Know

What is Laser Hair Removal? Everything You Need to Know

The worldwide laser hair removal market is worth over 500 million dollars. There’s a reason it’s so popular with so many people.

Are you trying to decide what form of hair removal is right for your needs? Are you confused about what laser hair removal actually is?

Let’s answer the question, what is laser hair removal?

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a common beauty treatment that uses a beam of light (otherwise known as a laser) to remove unwanted hair. The laser produces a light that is absorbed by the pigment cells (scientifically known as melanin) in your body hair.

This light is then converted so that it damages the hair follicle, which stops the follicle from growing new hair.

Laser hair removal can be used on many different parts of your body. These include:

  • Upper lip
  • Eyebrows
  • Legs
  • Bikini area
  • Underarms

If there are other areas where you’d like laser hair removal, you may want to talk to a spa near you and see what they offer.

Laser Hair Removal Benefits

Laser hair removal is a relatively safe and effective way to remove unwanted hair. Once you’ve completed treatment, you’ll have extremely reduced – or even zero – hair growth in the treated area.

Laser hair removal saves a ton of time and energy in the future. It’s great for people with specific health conditions, that might cause them to grow excessive amounts of hair.

Laser hair removal tends to be less painful than other hair removal methods, so if you’re averse to pain, it could be a great option for you.

Laser Hair Removal Drawbacks

Laser hair removal is the most effective for people with dark hair and light skin. It is less effective on people with lighter-colored hair, as the laser is attracted to pigment. So, if you have lighter hair, you might not be a laser hair removal candidate.

Laser hair removal is also less effective on people with darker skin, as the laser may have difficulty distinguishing between the pigment in the hair and the pigment in the skin.

There is also a lot of maintenance that happens during the laser hair removal process. You may have to go back for multiple sessions, which can take some time.

You also need to be very careful to follow the aftercare instructions given to you before and after treatment to help ensure the best results. This will also help to minimize any potential side effects.

For example, you may need to avoid spending too much time in the sun. Or, you may need to avoid certain products or activities that may irritate the skin for a time.

What is Laser Hair Removal? Know Your Choice

Now that you understand, what is laser hair removal? If you think laser hair removal is right for you, why not take the plunge?

Contact The Laser Lounge Spa today to get started.

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