What are the common causes of face wrinkles

What Are the Common Causes of Face Wrinkles?

Wrinkles. They are dreaded but inevitable as we age. However, aging is not the only cause of face wrinkles that you should be aware of.

In fact, up to 90% of visible skin changes are a result of sun damage. Knowing the different causes of wrinkles can prepare you for prevention and help you understand your treatment options.

Keep reading to learn more.


One of the most commonly known causes of face wrinkles is aging. As we age, our skin goes through many changes that can contribute to wrinkle development, such as:

  • Skin cells divide slower
  • Less collagen production
  • Skin becomes less able to support and absorb moisture
  • Blood vessel constriction
  • Decline in estrogen

Even the pull of gravity over time can loosen your skin and cause it to sag. This will emphasize the look of wrinkles and lines.

Facial Movements

Squinting, frowning, and smiling are repetitive facial movements that cause facial muscles to contract. Over time, these muscles will stay contracted and stop relaxing.

Facial movements cause wrinkle variations like frown lines, laugh lines, and smoker’s lines.

Just like aging, wrinkles from facial movements are a natural part of life.

Sun Exposure

Both UVB and UVA rays cause premature skin aging that leads to wrinkles. Exposure to these ultraviolet rays can cause different severities of skin damage.

Skin damage caused by the sun depends on your lifetime exposure to UV rays and your skin’s pigment. The darker your skin, the more natural protection you have from radiation.

Yet, you should always be wary of how much time you spend in the sun. If you have to be in the sun for long periods of time, protect it with sunscreen.


Smokers often experience premature facial wrinkles because their skin appears much older than it is. Tobacco’s harmful chemicals can affect the colors, elasticity, chemical makeup, and texture of the skin.

The nicotine in cigarettes and other products can narrow blood vessels in the outermost layers of the skin to prevent the skin from being nourished. Smokers tend to experience slower cell regeneration as well.

How to Get Rid of Face Wrinkles

There are different treatments available that can help you get rid of face wrinkles.

Injectables like Nu-Tox (Xeomin) can be used to temporarily reduce or eliminate contraction-induced wrinkles. To keep up these benefits, you can get the treatment every three months.

You can also try MIRACU PDO threads. This is an FDA-approved treatment that repositions the skin to help reduce aging signs. This is a great facial rejuvenation choice if you don’t want surgery.

If you are looking to increase collagen production, you can try Ultherapy. This is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that has longer-lasting effects than other options.

Ultherapy can help prevent the formation of premature wrinkles and help you get younger-looking skin.

Book a MedSpa Appointment

There are different causes of face wrinkles, some you can prevent, and others happen with time. No matter the cause of wrinkles, booking a MedSpa appointment can aid in wrinkle treatment and wrinkle prevention.

You can choose the options in this guide or contact us today to learn more about all the wrinkle treatment options we offer.

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